la motte
les architextures
le pas grand chose
les architextures
les imaginographes
les imperceptibles
jardin d'agronomie tropicale
où ça?
carnet de route
la transumante
les imaginographes

Johann Le Guillerm


To act on the world disorders to detect other layouts and create a new poetic order. An original cartography of a planet without places, Attraction is a project-manifesto to take ownership of our environment, to think by ourselves.

A position. To disrupt our convictions, resist ready-to-think and open up new alternatives.
A protocol of the sight. The world is what we see of it and what is invisible to us. In order to fully comprehend it, it is needed to take into account the multiplicity of points of views that we have.
Principles. Repartir de zéro, observer, expérimenter, tenter, créer.
A rhizome artwork made of accumulations, hybridizations, and mutations that constantly slip between various artistic fields.
A work in progress in constant evolution that shapes a landscape with infinite borders.


L'Observatoire, archeology of research
La Motte, planet within sight
Les Imaginographes, observation instruments
Évolutions élastiques, morphographic mutations
L'Insucube, anamorphique installation
Les Broglios, graphic poems
L'AALU, single-letter, multi-character alphabet
Les Architextures, between architecture and texture
La Transumante, moving architextural performance
Les Droliques, kinetic aquatic flowers
Les Imperceptibles, imperceptible speed and energies vehicles
L'Aplanatarium, observatory of gliding objects
Encatation, culinary experience
Terces, laboratory on a circus ring
Le Pas Grand Chose, conference - performance

Actions / Reactions:  Attraction is a project with variable geometry designed to take place on the scale of an entire city in theatres, squares, museums, on the ring or in parks. So many playgrounds that invite to create partnerships, to move the public in spaces off the beaten track and can give rise to new in situ creations.

Download Attraction

tour dates

Schedule 2025



Nathalie Yokel - La Terrasse - Mars 24

Terces et Encatation - Théâtre(s) - Avril 2024

Audiodescription de Terces : Virginie Guennec - Ouest France - Février 24

Samuel Gleyze - L'Oeil d'Olivier - Mai 2023

Marie Richeux - Par les temps qui courent, France Culture - Février 23

Samuel Gleyze-Esteban - L'Oeil d'olivier - Février 23

Mathieu Dochtermann - i/o Gazette - Février 2023

Chablis Winston & Raphaël Helle - Sparse - octobre 22

Alexandre Demidoff - Le Temps - mars 22 

Julie Terrasson - Tracks, Arte - mars 22

David Glaser - Suissimo - mars 22

Natacha Rossel - 24 heures - mars 22

AFP - janvier 22

Catherine Millet - Art Press - décembre 20 - janvier 21

Françoise Boudreault - Jeu, revue de théâtre (presse Canadienne) - mai 2019 


Artist coming from the circus world, Johann Le Guillerm studied at the Centre National des Arts du Cirque, he toured with Archaos, la volière Dromesko, co-founded the Cirque O. In 1994, he founded his own company and created a first solo show, Où ça ? , which toured five years. Johann Le Guillerm was awarded in 1996 with the Grand Prix National du Cirque, in 2005 with the Grand Prix des Arts du Cirque SACD and in 2017 the Grand Prix SACD. After a round-the-world trip during which he faces the imbalances of handicapped, traumatized and autarkic worlds, in 2001 he embarked on the Attraction project to take a 360° look at the world. The project led him to explore sculpture, installation, performance, conference and show. A multidisciplinary trajectory he calls practice of the range of points of view.

Since 2011, Johann Le Guillerm is supported and hosted by the Mairie de Paris at the Jardin d’Agronomie Tropicale – Paris, for a creative research residency.


Johann Le Guillerm à 360°
Anne Quentin / Catherine Blondeau - Actes Sud

Johann Le Guillerm

Anne Quentin - Magellan & Cie

Le Cirque ici présente Où ça ?
Photo book edited by the Cie Cirque ici - Johann Le Guillerm (out of stock for the moment contact the compagny for more information

More information here


Middle of the moment by Nicolas Humbert & Werner Penzel
Cirque Hors Piste by Netty Radvanyi & Nicos Argillet

All Johann Le Guillerm's videos here

public speaking

Johann Le Guillerm : The Alchimist
Johann Le Guillerm : From the idea to the object
Johann Le Guillerm : A moment of equilibrium
What's circus ? by Johann Le Guillerm


The company works on create mediation tools with a direct link to the artistic project. The setting up of workshops, experiences, professional meetings or specific builds itself into a joint project with cultural structures to say, to do, to feel through experimentation, the gaze, the movement. Thus, projects are built that nurture and are nurtured on long term by the mediation project.


partners and credits

Cirque ici - Johann Le Guillerm est soutenu par le Ministère de la Culture et de la Communication (DGCA et DRAC Ile-de-France), du Ministère des Affaires Étrangères (Institut Français), du Conseil régional d’Ile-de-France, de la Ville de Paris et de l’Institut Français/Ville de Paris.


Cirque ici – Johann Le Guillerm est soutenu et accueilli par la Mairie de Paris en résidence de recherche au Jardin d’Agronomie Tropicale (Direction de la Culture et Direction des Espaces Verts et de l’Environnement) et est membre de la Cité du développement durable

La Fondation BNP Paribas a accompagné les projets de Cirque ici - Johann Le Guillerm de 1999 à 2010.

Ou ça ?, Les Imaginographes, Les Évolutions Élastiques, L'Observatoire, La Motte et Les Imperceptibles :  Philippe Cibille
Le Pas Grand Chose : Elisabeth Carecchio, Philippe Cibille
La Transumante :  Philippe Cibille, David Dubost
Broglios, L'AALU, Les Droliques : David Dubost, Nuances production
Encatation: Gwen MintCatherine Mary-Houdin
Terces : Philippe Laurençon
Les Architextures : Philippe Cibille, Nuances production, David Dubost, Patrick Fabre, Philippe Laurençon
L'Aplanatarium : Nicolas Joubard, Noémie Laval



Graphic design : Marion Kueny
Developement frontend : Fabien Raymondaud
Back-office Wordpress : Laurent Angeli

Text : Anne Quentin